Decorative / Decorous
Decorative: having an
artistic or showy effect.
Decorous: showing
good taste.
Foul / Fowl
Foul means dirty
or offensive.
Fowl is a bird,
such as hen.
Pretense / Pretension
Pretense is to
make believe; pretension is
a claim
Genteel / Gentle
Genteel: well-bred,
polite; imitating the lifestyle of the rich.
Gentle: soft
and well-behaved.
Terminable / Terminal
Terminable: can be
e.g. Your job is only temporary and terminable at any time.
Terminal: at the end.
e.g. The doctor told the patient that she
had terminal cancer.
Ingenious / Ingenuous
Ingenious is
clever; ingenuous is
natural, free from deceit.
e.g. I must say that was an ingenious way to steal the money.
Lose / Loose
Lose means being
unable to find.
Loose means to set
free or to become less tight.
Providing that / Provided that
Providing that is
e.g. You can go out to play provided (that) you have finished
your home work.
Bulk / Hulk
Bulk: in large
quantities; the greater part of.
Hulk: a big, clumsy
Some time / Sometime / Sometimes
Some time means
a period of time.
Sometime, as an
adverb, means approximately; as an adjective, means former or occasional.
Sometimes, as an
adverb, means now and then.
Accountable to / Accountable for
Accountable to someone; accountable for something
(meaning "responsible for").
e.g. The Manager has to be accountable to the Board; he has to be accountable for all
his business decisions.
Stephen Lau